The Netherlands prepare for online gambling
The Netherlands is planning to open its own regulated online gaming industry, but players would need to demonstrate positive behaviour worth three years if they want to receive licences. The Remote Gambling act promises to modernize the country's gaming industry while there is already unregulated online gambling.
The Senate passed the bill on Remote Gambling in February last year and the planned date on which the licensees will submit their applications is March 1, 2021. The deadline date was moved back from the planned January 1st, 2021. The president of the Kansspelautoriteit René Jansen said it could take up to six months before a properly controlled market is launched after applications are submitted.
When applying for a licence, there are some requirements. Operators must be associated with the Central Exclusion Registry (CRUKS) and, according to the Kansspelautoriteit, 'have a responsibility to track player behaviour and interfere if dangerous play habits are detected or suspected (such as betting significant quantities or playing for lengthy periods of time). Operators should also create a Control Database (CDB) that includes current operating data, and it should be available to the regulator.
The Kansspelautoriteit will implement more legislative steps and details pertaining to the license applications in the coming months.