Battlestar Galactica
RTP: 96.60%

Battlestar Galactica Slot

durch Microgaming
Beyogen auf 11 Bewertungen
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Welcome to Battlestar Galactica soldier, your career starts here, hope, you're, ready for one hell of a ride and so begins. Microgaming's latest big-money slots, Battlestar Galactica find everyone. This is time again thanks very much for joining us hugely excited today to be able to bring you. This review of Battlestar Galactica, it's probably my favorite game. At the moment, I've been playing it a lot, hugely in-depth lots of features and a lot of stuff to get stuck into. Because of that, this review is going to be slightly different to the previous videos.

We'Ve got loaded: Microgaming describes Battlestar Galactica as an advanced slot game, and it's certainly that previously I've been able to kind of take you through various features and and show you various things as I've played the game, I'm just not gon na be able to do That Battlestar Galactica today on the road, because there's just so much to look at so what we're gon na do. Instead, we're gon na put together sort of like a video montage of the the main features which I can talk you through now, but I would encourage you to head down to your favorite mighty gaming casino. Try it out for yourself. There are so many levels. So many different features to have a look at, but it's definitely worth checking if you're watching this on YouTube and you're, not quite sure what the best micro gaming casino to play. This pad is then check under the video we'll have a link there.

That'S continually updated to take you through to and took a casino this often you're a good deal. Ok, so let's get started with the basics of this. The slot is obviously based on the TV show, Battlestar Galactica. It features all of the main characters that you can see on the screen at the moment, as they're spinning through including Starbuck Apollo Baltar 6. The game itself is a five reel 243 way game. Now I might be.

Gaming have been really big on their way games. Recently, if you haven't, played a waistlock for very easy they're, very similar to a traditional pay lights lot, other than factor are actually no pay lines in the game. With the pay line slots, your symbols needed need to be connected by an active pay line.

These trigger a win with a 243 way game like this. As long as those symbols are on adjacent reels, it doesn't really matter whether there is betting options for this I'm fairly good. The coin size starts from one cent go up to five cents, meaning that there's a maximum bet of each spin of $ 15. That makes the game a sort of a medium variant slot. So it's possibly not ideal for high rollers, but if you're looking for fairly free for an average payout, then this is certainly a good game.

To start. The game includes both wild and scatter symbols which evolve the more you play. So if you're in battle mode, which we'll talk about in just a second, the world symbol, collection is split in two or it can expand across entire reels. Making the scatter symbol leads to free spins game. It'S not retriggerable.

Unfortunately, you can add additional spins once you're in future. Arguably one of the most impressive features the game has, though, is its career mode, which really kind of rewards you to playing the game. Basically, what happens is when you first start playing. You'Re ranked is allowing civilian and the more you play the more promotions you get until you can work your way up in tradition about you can keep on track of how close you are to your next promotion via the blue bar. That'S at the bottom of the screen you can see in these screenshots. Basically, every time you make a spin that blue bar fills up a little bit more and when it gets to the end you're in line for your exploration isn't intuitive, and why do you want another stripe on your shoulder?

Well, every promotion. You get unlocks new animations new, rich media content, which is accessible through the game, so the replay value is really high again. The other exciting thing about this is that Battlestar Galactica will actually remember you when you come back, so you don't need to worry about. Turning the computer off at the end of the night and losing all your rank when you come back the next day, you'll be able to pick up where you left off again now. Imagine fight mode previously, and I just want to come back and have a quick chat about the three different modes that are in the Battlestar Galactica game, because they're integral to the way that the whole song works. We have three different modes normal, which is where everybody starts off at now we have a run mode and a fight mode which triggered randomly as you play now.

Both the run and the fight mode have a number of different features which are unique. So, let's have a quick look at them now, the first mode you'll activate, will be run mode. It can be triggered at any time, but don't worry you won't miss it when it happens.

To 0 looks up like this attention: inbound rated contact, rated highly probable enemy ships, All Hands stand by for battle maneuvers when you're in run mode, you'll see that the reels have this green sort of tint around them. When you see this there's a couple of things, you won't take advantage of. Firstly, all winds, pay left to right and right to left, which is a great feature for the game. Essentially, it just means that you can really rack up a bankroll much more quickly than you would do normally.

The other thing you want to be aware of is that you'll find an additional symbol on the rail you'll, be on the third rail and it will look like a digital time. It'S an FTL symbol and you really want to try and learn that, if you possibly can when that happens, you'll turn all the royal symbols. It'S a mystery symbols which again can lead to a really quite lucrative payout again. If you manage to do that, you're not going to miss it you're going to be greeted with another great animation which looks like this, everyone, I know, is fighting to get back what they had been fighting, because I don't know how to do anything else now. Let'S turn our attention to fight night inbound, Cylon, Raiders, launch alert fighters, broken formation, rattled, anthem, standby for enemy suppression, Mirage, our fight mode is only accessible through Butler, so you're gon na have to work a little bit harder to trigger it, but once you're there.

It'S certainly worth the wait in fight mode you'll find that symbols not to go wild randomly, which increases your chances of spinning. A winning combination. You'Ll also find that the traditional wild symbol starts to spit down into the double world again increasing the chances of winning. Perhaps the best bit of fight mode, though, is the three strings feature now we mentioned the free spins feature earlier on, so let's have another look at it now, they're, actually in fight mode, free spins are occur when you spin a minimum of three scatter symbols, which The starfighters anywhere across the wheel, you get up to 15 free spins, depending on how many of those star flights, as you actually managed to get now, we mentioned that the free spins are not reach writable, which is a shame, but they do cover the three times Multiplier and when you're in fight mode like this, you have the opportunity, as well as adding to the free spins that you initially start with now. This is done in kind of a neat way, rather than just sort of giving you the free spins. As you can see on the screen at the moment, we treated sort of like a an onscreen battle and each time the Battlestar Galactica slot takes down an enemy fighter.

You get awarded a extra free spoon to 3 spoons up to an extra five free spins at any one time things we're talking about on-screen animations the lightness, but we now have good times for another rich media that defined it in Battlestar Galactica, and I really hope That you've been able to get a feel for what it's like just from what you've seen already in the video, but it really is worth bringing up in the same light. In fact, I think over the last year's all the major software providers and packs are really up their game in terms of the slots that that they're, producing and perhaps the best example of this is the lights, might be gaming and play tech. You seem to be continually trying to push the barriers of slots, Battlestar Galactica's differently, the rich media. This is very impressive.

You get this lovely, rich soundtrack that goes throughout the game, the the animations on the reels that I guess we've come to expect that are still there they're very smooth and that's great, and but you also get huge great clips of video footage which look excellent on The big screen such as this, so you run out of a minute the fire reaches a hangar, pods it'll, ignite the fuel lines and we'll lose the ship. Do it right? Well, unfortunately, I think I probably gon na have to leave it there.

The Battlestar Galactica is one of those slots that I could talk about for ages, but I think I'm probably gon na end up with a video. That'S too long to put up on YouTube, and I do hope the the review has given you kind of an idea of why this is such a welcome addition to the mitigating slot range. I personally think it's one of the one of the best lobsters come out for a while, as I mentioned a beginning, though I don't think a video can necessarily do it justice, so I would urge you to head over to your preferred, might be gaming casino, and Here we go pure self, I don't think you'll be disappointed, so I reckon you should probably have a fairly good idea of what the slot looks like now and how it works. What I'll do is? I will just finish the video by giving you look at the various paid service. You can get a better idea of what over simple Steve in the meantime, if you have any questions at all or you have any comments about the game, do please post them up.

Good to hear from you and we'll obviously reply to you soon as you can equally, if you have any suggestions for further reviews, please let us know otherwise, thanks very much for stopping by and hopefully we'll see you again soon right.

Battlestar Galactica FAQ zu Spielautomaten

❓ Wie lautet der RTP von Battlestar Galactica?
✅ Battlestar Galactica bietet Spielern einen überdurchschnittlichen RTP von 96.60%.

❓ Was sind die Battlestar Galactica Game Features?
Rollen: 5,
Gewinnlinien: 243,
Layout: 5 x 243,
Wettbereich (€ / $ /): 0.3 - 15 Bet.

❓Wer hat den Slot% slot_name% erstellt?
✅ Battlestar Galactica ist einer der meisten prominent slots von Microgaming. Es ist Teil einer riesig sammlung von großartig aus Microgaming Casino-Slots, die Sie ausprobieren können jetzt online.

❓ Hat Battlestar Galactica Freispiele?
✅ Es gibt eine Freispielfunktion, die dies kann auslösen Freispiele über verfügbare Spielstufen.

❓Kann ich Battlestar Galactica um echtes Geld spielen?
✅ Sie können Battlestar Galactica in fast allen um echtes geld spielen primär online-casinos, wie es ein ist beliebt Microgaming slot. Schauen Sie sich unsere vorgeschlagen casino, um ihnen bei der auswahl des richtigen zu helfen.

❓ Wo spielen Battlestar Galactica?
✅ MyCasinoIndex hat ein Ranking von Online-Casinos mit Microgaming Slots erstellt. Entdecken Sie die am höchsten bewerteten verifizierten Casinos mit dem Spielautomaten Battlestar Galactica.

❓ Wie spiele ich Battlestar Galactica auf dem Handy?
✅ Du kannst *einfach, leicht, direkt *Greifen Sie über die mobilfreundliche Website eines Casinos auf das Handyspiel Battlestar Galactica zu. Verwenden Sie auf Ihrem Handy oder Tablet einfach den Browser, besuchen Sie die Website des Casinos und registrieren Sie sich.

  • Software: Microgaming
  • Battlestar Galactica RTP: 96.60%
  • Bonusspiel: Und
  • Freispiele: Und
  • Münzen pro Zeile: 10
  • Rollen: 5
  • Münzenwerte: 0.01 - 0.05
  • Gewinnlinien: 243
  • Min - Max Bet: $0.30 - $15
  • Max Coin gewinnt: 15000
  • Max gewinnt: $750
  • Wildes Symbol: Ja
  • Multiplikatoren: Ja
  • Streusymbol: Ja
  • Autoplay-Option: Ja
  • Progressiv: Nein
  • Steckplatztyp: Video Slots
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The Pogg

Im Gegensatz zu der Serie, die am Ende leicht antiklimaktisch war, ist die Slots-Version von Battlestar Galactica durchweg spannend. Battlestar Galactica ist optisch wunderschön, voller großartiger Funktionen und origineller Ideen und zu einem Preis, der für den Markt wirklich nicht zu hoch ist, ohne Zweifel ein erstklassiges Spiel. Microgaming als Standard veröffentlicht nicht die Hausvorteilsinformationen ihrer Spiele. Sie vermieten ihre Slots-Spiele jedoch mit anderer Software an Casinos, von denen einige diese Informationen veröffentlichen. Bisher haben wir nur ein Casino gefunden - Redbet - das diese Informationen für Battlestar Galactica veröffentlicht hat und den Hausvorteil mit 3-4% angibt. Wenn Sie an einem anderen Ort spielen, sollten diese Informationen nur als Richtlinie verwendet werden, da das Spiel möglicherweise konfigurierbar ist. Die Galactica ist wieder auf der Flucht - schließen Sie sich der Crew des phänomenalen Neustarts an, um das Beste der Serie noch einmal zu erleben. Das Battlestar Galactica-Spiel hat 5 Walzen und verwendet keine Standard-Gewinnlinien. Stattdessen bedeuten 3 oder mehr übereinstimmende Symbole auf benachbarten Walzen einen Gewinn. Dies entspricht 243 Standard-Gewinnlinien. Das Symbol des Battlestar Galactica-Logos ist wild. Beim Spielen von Battlestar Galactica gibt es drei verschiedene Spielmodi. Im Normalmodus ist das Wild-Symbol des Battlestar Galactica-Logos auf Rolle 1 gestapelt. Der Laufmodus erfolgt zufällig im Normalmodus. Die Walzen werden grün, alle Gewinne werden in beide Richtungen ausgezahlt. Wenn Sie das Symbol auf Rolle 3 erhalten, werden alle A, K, Q, J- und 10-Symbole springen in dasselbe zufällige neue Symbol. Der Kampfmodus tritt zufällig im Laufmodus auf und im Kampfmodus können zufällige ...

The gambler bay

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Casino Online Rating

Magst du Science-Fiction-Slots? Hast du die erfolgreiche Fernsehserie Battlestar Galactica gesehen? Möchten Sie ein Slotspiel zu diesem Thema spielen? Kein Problem! Die neueste Version von Microgaming bietet Ihnen ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis! Verschwenden Sie also keine Zeit und spielen Sie das Slotspiel „Battlestar Galactica“ ! ...


Dieser nicht progressive Slot wird von Microgaming unterstützt und bringt Sci-Fi auf ein ganz anderes Niveau. Unter dem Motto einer gleichnamigen klassischen Serie bietet es einen maximalen Jackpot von 750 $, 5 Walzen und 243 Gewinnmöglichkeiten. ...


game by Microgaming är en anpassning av den berömda TV-serien. Spelet erbjuder mästerligt ritad grafik, ett rankningssystem som kommer att hålla dig involverad hela tiden, en unik kombination av tre spellägen med exklusivt utvecklade funktioner och en annonserad jackpott på 1 400 000 mynt. Lär dig hur du kan njuta av alla dessa innovationer från vår slot-recension och ta reda på hur du väljer de bästa Battlestar Galactica-kasinon. ...


Tauchen Sie in diesem Microgaming-Slot in die kosmische Science-Fiction-Welt von Battlestar Galactica ein. Begleite Captain Kara Thrace im Weltraum und sammle Schätze! ...



Schließen Sie sich der Crew der Galactica in diesem brandneuen Slot von Microgaming an! Lesen Sie unseren Spielbericht, um mehr darüber auf zu erfahren. ...



Probieren Sie das Spiel kostenlos online im Demo-Modus aus, ohne dass ein Download und keine Registrierung erforderlich sind, und lesen Sie die Rezension des Spiels, bevor Sie um echtes Geld spielen. ...


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